FAQ/エンディング のバックアップ(No.2)


エンディング Edit

参考:Fallout 3 Endings

エンディングの流れ Edit


ナレーション和訳 Edit


Part1 Edit

Valut 101から旅立った孤独な放浪者は、父を探し求めた。父はかつて人類の未来を救うことに己の全てを捧げた。自分の子の未来と引き替えに。

Part2 Edit

High Karma
The Capital Wasteland proved a cruel, inhospitable place ・ but the lone wanderer refused to surrender to the vices that had claimed so many others. The values passed on from father to child ・ selflessness, compassion, honor ・ guided this noble soul through countless trials and triumphs.

Low Karma
The Capital Wasteland proved a cruel, inhospitable place ・ and the lone wanderer ultimately surrendered to the vices that had claimed so many others. Selfishness, greed, cruelty ・ these were the values that guided a lost soul through countless trials and triumphs.

Neutral Karma
The Capital Wasteland proved a cruel, inhospitable place.

Part3 Edit

But it was not until the end of this long road that the lone wanderer learned the true meaning of that greatest of virtues -- sacrifice. Stepping into the irradiated control chamber of Project Purity, the child followed the example of the father, sacrificing life itself for the greater good of mankind.

It was not until the end of this long road that the lone wanderer was faced with that greatest of virtues -- sacrifice. But the child refused the follow the father’s selfless example…instead allowing a true hero to venture into the irradiated control chamber of Project Purity, and sacrifice her own life for the greater good of mankind.

Project Purity爆発
It was not until the end of this long road that the lone wanderer was faced with that greatest of virtues -- sacrifice. But the child refused the follow the father’s selfless example.
(Jefferson Memorialが火に包まれている画像が表示。Part4は表示されない。)

Part4 Edit

Player doesn't side with Eden
Thankfully, when selected by the sinister President to be his instrument of annihilation, the wanderer refused. Humanity, with all its flaws, was deemed worthy of preservation. The waters of life flowed at last ・ free and pure, for any and all. The Capital Wasteland, at long last, was saved.

Player sides with Eden
Sadly, when selected by the sinister President to be his instrument of annihilation, the wanderer agreed. Humanity would be preserved, but only in its purest form. The waters of life flowed at last ・ but the virus contained within soon eradicated all those deemed unworthy of salvation. The Capital Wasteland, despite its progress, became a graveyard.

Part5 Edit

So ends the story of the lone wanderer, who stepped through the great door of Vault 101, and into the annals of legend. But the tale of humanity will never come to a close, for the struggle of survival is a war without end. And war… war never changes.

ムービー一覧 Edit


#DescriptionIn-game Condition
1About the protagonist leaving the vault in search of his fatherVideo appears generic, therefore should appear almost always
2Hannibal Hamlin and the Lincoln MemorialCompleting Head of State by helping the escaped slaves.
3Agatha playing the violinCompleting Agatha's Song by bringing the violin to her.
4Various individuals of the wasteland??
5the Megaton bomb, Mr. Burke, and TenpennyCompleting The Power of the Atom by detonating the bomb
6Harold burningCompleting Oasis (quest) by burning Harold??
7Rivet City market area laid wasteThis seems to trigger if you kill ANYONE in rivet city OR enslave Flak as part of the Strictly business quest.
8Random wasteland scenes plus a scene from Moriarty's Saloon??
9Sacrifice endingStep in the Control Chamber yourself at the end.
10Sarah Lyons sacrificingLet Sarah Lyons enter the Control Chamber at the end.
11Jefferson Memorial burningLet the Water Purifier explode.
12FEV not added, plus random scenes of people.Do not add FEV at the end.
13FEV not added. Raven Rock destroyed.Do not add FEV at the end. Destroy Raven Rock at the end.
14FEV added. Capital Wasteland became a graveyard. Only the purest humans (Enclave) survive.Add the FEV at the end.
15Male protagonist with Dogmeat plus scenes from Arefu, Grisly Diner, and Canterbury Commons.Occurs in all endings with Male protagonist, even if these locations are never visted and Dogmeat is never encountered.
16Female protagonist with Dogmeat plus scenes from Arefu, Grisly Diner, and Canterbury Commons.Occurs in all endings with Femle protagonist, even if these locations are never visted and Dogmeat is never encountered.
17Scenes about selflessness, compassion, and honorGood character?
18Scenes about selfishness, greed, and cruelty.Evil character?
19-26A desk with a picture of the father and protagonist.8 videos for each of the 8 combination of race and gender player may choose.

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