GameData/Item のバックアップソース(No.10)

*GameData/Item [#cc724c2d]
**目次 [#g51c7c63]

*設計図 [#ua200235]
|Rock-It Launcher|・メガトンのMoiraが販売|Vacuum Cleaner, Consumer Leafblower, Conductor, Firehose Nozzle|
|Railway Rifle|・Stealing Independence(RivetcityのAbraham Washingtonスタート)クリア報酬&br;・Museum of HistoryのUnderWorldにいる商人Tulipから購入|Crutch, Steam Gauge Assembly, Pressure Cooker, Fission Battery|
|Bottlecap Mine|・The Wasteland Survival Guide(メガトンのMoiraのクエスト)の地雷原探索パート報酬&br;・南西Jacko's Pop & Gus Stop屋内の作業台|Lunchbox, Cherry Bomb, Sensor Module, 10 Bottlecaps|
|Nuka Grenade|・行商人Doc Hoffが販売(マップを移動しつつ行商しているため住所不定)|Nuka Cola Quantum, Tin Can, Abraxo Cleaner, Turpentine|
|Dart Gun|・TenpennyTowerのLydiaが販売|Toy Car, Radscorpion Poison Gland, Paint Gun, Surgical Tubing|
|Shishkebob|・blood tiesクエストで地下鉄駅に居るVanceから得る&br;・キャラバンのLucky Harithから買う&br;・MAP北北西のアンテナ施設(SatCom Array NN-03d)西に置いてある|Motorcycle Gas Tank, Lawnmower Blade, Motorcycle Handbrake, Pilot light|
|Deathclaw Gauntlet||Leather Belt, Wonderglue, Medical Brace|
//The Cryolator was also a custom-built weapon but was removed from the final version of the game. との事です。
*バブルヘッド [#caa5be02]

|Strength|Megaton - Lucas Simms' House(保安官の家)|
|Perception|Republic of Dave - Museum of Dave|
|Endurance|Deathclaw Sanctuary - 入り口の広場|
|Charisma|Vault 108 - Cloning Lab|
|Intelligence|Rivet City - Science Lab|
|Agility|Greener Pastures Disposal - Office 西のオフィス|
|Luck|Arlington Cemetery North - Arlington House |

|Barter|Evergreen Mills - Market Bazaar - Right nook from Trader, on shelf|
|Big Guns|Fort Constantine - CO Quarters|
|Energy Weapons|Raven Rock - Sector 2B 出口付近の部屋|
|Explosives|WKML Broadcast Station - Sealed Cistern|
|Lockpick|Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Offices East on a desk with an active lamp.|
|Medicine|Vault 101 - 16才のクエスト開始時の父が座っている机の上|
|Melee Weapons|Dunwich Building - Virulent Underchambers|
|Repair|Arefu - Evan King's House ライフル爺の家|
|Science|Vault 106 - Living Quarters|
|Small Guns|National Guard Depot - National Guard Armory: sitting on a shelf on a building support.|
|Sneak|Yao Guai Tunnels - Yao Guai Den|
|Speech|Paradise Falls - Eulogy's pad 1階机の上|
|Unarmed|Rockopolis |

*項目3 [#t6a007c6]

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