*Book [#u9def76f] コンソールで使用できるIDの一覧です |~Name|~ID| |Big Book of Science| 0003403C| |Big Book of Science| 0002D3A4| |Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual| 00034045| |D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine| 00034043| |Dean's Electronics| 0003403D| |Duck and Cover!| 0006A80C| |Footlocker| 000199C2| |Grognak the Barbarian| 00034040| |Guns and Bullets| 0003403E| |Lying, Congressional Style| 00034044| |Motivational Secrets of the Stars| 0002D3A3| |Nikola Tesla and You| 00034041| |Paradise Lost| 000BACFE| |Pugilism Illustrated| 0003403F| |Survival Guide Manuscript| 0002D3B2| |Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor| 00034042| |Tumblers Today| 00034046| |U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes| 00034048| |Wasteland Survival Guide| 000C5634| |You're SPECIAL!| 000AB2EF|