Fallout3 Wiki JP
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*v [#eabad6cc]
**目次 [#c70f7a0b]
*概要 [#z84168ca]
--Official Fallout 3 Patch 1_1_0_35
*修正ポイント [#b709028a]
**訳文 [#gdbdf07f]
--トロフィーをサポート (Playstation 3)
++Gatling Laserの弾道の曳光の描画の問題を修正しました
++Added ability to remap your VATS and pip boy buttons. (...
++Pip-BoyのStatus Menuから繰り返してRadawayを使用した時に...
++Level up Menuにおいて、スキルがすべて最大になっていても...
++In game radios will now play properly if player was lis...
++Railway Rifleで頭部に対しクリティカルヒットを出して釘付...
++Trouble on the Homefrontで時折救援のメッセージがラジオ...
++The Waters of Lifeのクエストで、Doctor Liと一緒にCitade...
++Big Trouble in Big Townのクエストで、適切なタイミングで...
++The American Dreamのクエストで、部屋を出た時に、ドアの...
++Strictly Businessでの無限caps稼ぎを修正しました
++The Waters of Lifeで、Dadが適切な台詞を持たないという稀...
++Finding the Garden of Edenのクエストで、コンパニオンと...
++Fort Bannisterのロボットで可能だったXPバグを修正しました
++The American Dreamのクエストで永久にプレイヤーの操作が...
**原文 [#x967798f]
-''New Features''
--Trophy support. (Playstation 3)
-''Bug Fixes''
++Friends notification no longer causes the game to pause...
++Fixed occasional crashes during loading and waiting.
++Friendly or neutral NPC health bars, when taking damage...
++Fixed issue where certain NPCs would occasionally disap...
++Fixed issue where dead NPCs would occasionally come bac...
++Fixed rendering issue with the Gatling Laser gun's trac...
++Fixed issue where the haircut menu would occasionally n...
++Added ability to remap your VATS and pip boy buttons.
++Fixed rare load/save issues that would cause NPCs to be...
++Fixed issue where quest objectives would occasionally n...
++Using Radaway from the Pip-Boy's Status Menu repeatedly...
++Player no longer gets stuck in level up menu if their s...
++Fixed issue where multiple followers would occasionally...
++Fixed rare issue with getting stuck in VATS mode.
++Fixed rare crash with fighting NPCs with corrupted data.
++In game radios will now play properly if player was lis...
++Fixed rare crashes while loading and saving games.
++Fixed rare issue where player would fall through the fl...
++Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in ...
++Prevent NPCs from inadvertently dying from falling.
++Fixed occasional issue where the controller would stop ...
++Fixed crashes related to repeatedly equipping and dropp...
-''Quest Fixes''
++Fixed several instances where quest item stayed in inve...
++Fixed an issue where the distress message would occasio...
++In The Waters of Life quest, the Citadel gate will open...
++For the Big Trouble in Big Town quest, the broken prote...
++In The American Dream quest, fixed specific issue which...
++Fixed infinite caps exploit in Strictly Business quest.
++Fixed rare instance where Dad would have no valid dialo...
++Prevent issue during the Finding the Garden of Eden que...
++Fixed several XP speech exploits with certain NPCs.
++Fixed XP exploit with a robot in Fort Bannister.
++Fixed issue where player's controls can become locked p...
**注意点 [#c0d4edee]
bBackground Mouse=0
-Steam版で起動できなくなる事がある (最新のLive導入で解決 ...
-Saveがクリアされる(様に見える) ← Liveを使用しつつゲーム...
*v [#eabad6cc]
**目次 [#c70f7a0b]
*概要 [#z84168ca]
--Official Fallout 3 Patch 1_1_0_35
*修正ポイント [#b709028a]
**訳文 [#gdbdf07f]
--トロフィーをサポート (Playstation 3)
++Gatling Laserの弾道の曳光の描画の問題を修正しました
++Added ability to remap your VATS and pip boy buttons. (...
++Pip-BoyのStatus Menuから繰り返してRadawayを使用した時に...
++Level up Menuにおいて、スキルがすべて最大になっていても...
++In game radios will now play properly if player was lis...
++Railway Rifleで頭部に対しクリティカルヒットを出して釘付...
++Trouble on the Homefrontで時折救援のメッセージがラジオ...
++The Waters of Lifeのクエストで、Doctor Liと一緒にCitade...
++Big Trouble in Big Townのクエストで、適切なタイミングで...
++The American Dreamのクエストで、部屋を出た時に、ドアの...
++Strictly Businessでの無限caps稼ぎを修正しました
++The Waters of Lifeで、Dadが適切な台詞を持たないという稀...
++Finding the Garden of Edenのクエストで、コンパニオンと...
++Fort Bannisterのロボットで可能だったXPバグを修正しました
++The American Dreamのクエストで永久にプレイヤーの操作が...
**原文 [#x967798f]
-''New Features''
--Trophy support. (Playstation 3)
-''Bug Fixes''
++Friends notification no longer causes the game to pause...
++Fixed occasional crashes during loading and waiting.
++Friendly or neutral NPC health bars, when taking damage...
++Fixed issue where certain NPCs would occasionally disap...
++Fixed issue where dead NPCs would occasionally come bac...
++Fixed rendering issue with the Gatling Laser gun's trac...
++Fixed issue where the haircut menu would occasionally n...
++Added ability to remap your VATS and pip boy buttons.
++Fixed rare load/save issues that would cause NPCs to be...
++Fixed issue where quest objectives would occasionally n...
++Using Radaway from the Pip-Boy's Status Menu repeatedly...
++Player no longer gets stuck in level up menu if their s...
++Fixed issue where multiple followers would occasionally...
++Fixed rare issue with getting stuck in VATS mode.
++Fixed rare crash with fighting NPCs with corrupted data.
++In game radios will now play properly if player was lis...
++Fixed rare crashes while loading and saving games.
++Fixed rare issue where player would fall through the fl...
++Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in ...
++Prevent NPCs from inadvertently dying from falling.
++Fixed occasional issue where the controller would stop ...
++Fixed crashes related to repeatedly equipping and dropp...
-''Quest Fixes''
++Fixed several instances where quest item stayed in inve...
++Fixed an issue where the distress message would occasio...
++In The Waters of Life quest, the Citadel gate will open...
++For the Big Trouble in Big Town quest, the broken prote...
++In The American Dream quest, fixed specific issue which...
++Fixed infinite caps exploit in Strictly Business quest.
++Fixed rare instance where Dad would have no valid dialo...
++Prevent issue during the Finding the Garden of Eden que...
++Fixed several XP speech exploits with certain NPCs.
++Fixed XP exploit with a robot in Fort Bannister.
++Fixed issue where player's controls can become locked p...
**注意点 [#c0d4edee]
bBackground Mouse=0
-Steam版で起動できなくなる事がある (最新のLive導入で解決 ...
-Saveがクリアされる(様に見える) ← Liveを使用しつつゲーム...