*I'm Tickled Pink [#k88fe7fe] 男性複数人の伸びやかなコーラスと、軽快な曲調が印象的なナンバー。 -作曲:Jack Shaindlin ([[WikiPedia.en:Jack Shaindlin]]) -ファイル名:mus_generic_pink.mp3 *歌詞 [#pb7f743a] #pre{{{ I'm tickled pink that things are rosy. And skies are blue once again. Let the bygones go bye-bye. No more will I sigh or cry. I'm tickled pink the moon is yellow. And I'm your fellow tonight. Soon we'll greet that red-letter day, When I will pop the question and you say OK. Say then we'll be married in the month of May. }}}