
Perks Edit

 Fallout 3のプレイヤーキャラクターのPerk

目次 Edit

Level 2 Edit

Lady Killer/Black Widow Edit

Daddy's Boy/Daddy's Girl Edit

Gun nut Edit

Intense Training Edit

Little Leaguer Edit

Swift Learner Edit

Thief Edit

Level 4 Edit

Child At Heart Edit

Comprehension Edit

Educated Edit

Entomologist Edit

Iron Fist Edit

Scoundrel Edit

Level 6 Edit

Bloody Mess Edit

Demolition Expert Edit

Fortune Finder Edit

Gunslinger Edit

Lead Belly Edit

Toughness Edit

Level 8 Edit

Commando Edit

Impartial Mediation Edit

Rad Resistance Edit

Scrounger Edit

Size Matters Edit

Strong Back Edit

Level 10 Edit

Animal Friend Edit

Finesse Edit

Here and Now Edit

Mister Sandman Edit

Mysterious Stranger Edit

Nerd Rage! Edit

Night Person Edit

Level 12 Edit

Cannibal Edit

Fast Metabolism Edit

Life Giver Edit

Pyromaniac Edit

Robotics Expert Edit

Silent Running Edit

Sniper Edit

Level 14 Edit

Adamantium Skeleton Edit

Chemist Edit

Contract Killer Edit

Cyborg Edit

Lawbringer Edit

Light Step Edit

Master Trader Edit

Level 16 Edit

Action Boy/Action Girl Edit

Better Criticals Edit

Chem Resistant Edit

Tag! Edit

Level 18 Edit

Concentrated Fire Edit

Computer Whiz Edit

Infiltrator Edit

Paralyzing Palm Edit

Level 20 Edit

Explorer Edit

Grim Reaper's Sprint Edit

Ninja Edit

Solar Powered Edit

ゲーム進行中に獲得できる可能性があるもの Edit

Hematophage Edit

Rad Regeneration Edit

Dream Crusher Edit

Survival Expert Edit

Ant Sight Edit

Ant Might Edit

Barkskin Edit

Power Armor Training Edit

Wired Reflexes Edit

DLCで獲得できる可能性があるもの Edit

Operation: Anchorage Edit

Covert Ops Edit

The Pitt Edit

Booster Shot Edit

Pitt Fighter Edit

Auto Axpert Edit

Point Lookout Edit

Ghoul Ecology Edit

Punga Power! Edit

Superior Defender Edit

Mothership Zeta Edit

Xenotech Expert Edit

DLC:Broken Steelで追加されるレベル22以降のPerk Edit

Level 22 Edit

Deep Sleep Edit

Puppies! Edit

Quantum Chemist Edit

Level 24 Edit

Devil's Highway Edit

Escalator to Heaven Edit

Karmic Rebalance Edit

No Weaknesses Edit

Level 26 Edit

Warmonger Edit

Nerves of Steel Edit

Rad Tolerance Edit

Level 28 Edit

Party Boy/Party Girl Edit

Rad Absouption Edit

Level 30 Edit

Almost Perfect Edit

Nuclear Anomaly Edit

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Last-modified: 2022-02-24 (木) 08:21:59